Wednesday 8 August 2018

Call Squirrel Pest Control As Soon As Notice Squirrel In Your Property

To control squirrel menace you need to control its spread. If it spreads and infests your property, it becomes difficult to control the menace. So if you are hearing screeching or scratching sound from the attic, especially at night, call the squirrel pest control. Sure, you are not certain whether it is squirrel or something else. Yet, you can rest assured that there is some kind of rodent in the attic. The pest control people can ensure whether it is a squirrel, a rat or some other rodent. 

In Case It Is A Squirrel?

If it is a squirrel family, you have a lot to worry. Squirrels are known to be more destructive than rats. They can dig through basements and weaken foundations of your property. They have very strong jaws and sharp teeth. They can chew on and cut up almost anything. It may be plastic, wood, or some other material. That in itself is a ominous signal. If can cause a house fire by chewing up electrical cables. It can cause a house flood by causing leakage in water supply lines. They can destroy every bit furniture and furnishing in your house in search of food and shelter. So, the best thing is to be aware of them at the right time and call Squirrel Pest Control. You know, a stitch in time saves nine.

Lifecycle Of Squirrels

Squirrels live in burrows on ground as well as inside tree trunks. However, as the winter approaches they start searching for safer places. During the winter food sources too become scarce. So they embark on a hunt for new place where they can get ample food for the winter and also a safe shelter. In that sense your property in it’s vicinity is the most suitable one. So it ends up inside your property from the roof or from the ground. Once it finds its way into the attic, it becomes sure that this is the most enjoyable and safe area to spend the winter season. It brings its family into the attic too and starts breeding there. The attic is warm and offers a safe environment to the squirrel family. Along with ample food source in the household, the squirrel family continues to multiply rapidly.  Within a month or less than that, the squirrel expands its family to nooks and corners of the family. 

Habits Of Squirrels

Squirrels have the habit of chewing up anything. They are aided by their strong jaw and sharp teeth. If you don’t call Squirrel Pest Control early, you may need to pay a heavy price with valuable furniture, garments and furnishings destroyed before your eyes. To detect the presence of squirrel inside your property, you don’t need to depend only on your hunch. They offer ample proof of their presence. Along with the sound of scratching doors, walls and windows and their characteristic screeching sound, you are also likely to come across their poops strewn throughout the house.

What If They Die And Rot In My House?

Indeed, this is a realistic apprehension for households. In fact, if there is a rat or squirrel infestation in your house, it is very likely that few of them would get trapped in gaps, cracks or crevices inside your house and die of starvation. In that case there is a risk of spread of diseases. It may spread infectious diseases. So make sure that as soon as there is a stench, inspect every nook and corner of the house and remove dead squirrel, if any. However, such tasks are better left for the Squirrel Pest Control services. They are experts about squirrel and everything about them. 

Catching The Squirrel
You need to catch the squirrel as soon as you notice their presence. But how do you do that? You need to place traps to catch them. Since you don’t know where you can find them, you need to place the traps along walls and near food sources. Once they are caught, you need to relocate them to the wild since killing wild animals is not permitted in most states. However, you can surely prevent their entry by sealing all the entry points to your property. You can also sprinkle some insect repellant powders to make sure they don’t at all venture in the surroundings of your property. If you are not feeling confident call the Squirrel Pest Control services.